
How To Make Fruit Roll Ups In Dehydrator

How to Make Fruit Leather in a Dehydrator

How to Make Fruit Leather in a Dehydrator

How to Make Fruit Leather in a Dehydrator

Past Erin Huffstetler | 08/04/2017 |

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My kids are dorsum in school, which ways I'm back to packing lunches. To foreclose luncheon box boredom (for me and them), I like to tuck fun things in their boxes from time to time. This week it was homemade fruit leather. If you lot've never made any before, it couldn't exist easier. Here's a video of the process.

And here are the directions all written out for you lot. Be sure to print a copy of the recipe card at the lesser of the post.

How to Make Fruit Leather in a Dehydrator

Total Time:

6 hours 15 minutes

What You'll Demand:

A dehydrator (I accept a Nesco Snackmaster, but whatsoever dehydrator will work)
Fruit roll sheets
Parchment Paper

Fruit Roll Screen

This is what a fruit gyre sail looks like. It sits on superlative of the regular tray, and seals off all of the holes, so y'all can dry things that are more liquidy.

What You Do:

Puree the Fruit

Puree your fruit. This can be fresh fruit or canned fruit. Two cups of puree should be enough to cover i fruit curlicue screen. In this example, I used a can of cherries combined with a bit of applesauce. If you'd like to sweeten your puree with saccharide or dear, this is the time to do it.

Pour the Pureed Fruit onto the Fruit Leather Screen

Pour your puree onto the screen. Add more, if you lot need information technology.

Smooth Out the Fruit Puree

And then, smooth the puree out with a rubber spatula. You desire it to be 1/8-inch thick everywhere.

Trays of Cherry Fruit Leather

Plough on your dehydrator, and let it run for at to the lowest degree six hours. Your fruit leather is washed when it feels completely dry out to the touch.

Peel the Fruit Leather Off the Screen

Allow your fruit leather to cool. And then, advisedly pull it off of the screen …

Place Fruit Leather on Parchment

and place information technology on a piece of parchment newspaper.

Cut the Fruit Leather into Strips

Then, cut the fruit leather (and parchment paper backing) into strips.

How to Make Fruit Leather in the Dehydrator

Ringlet the strips with the parchment paper facing out, and secure each package with a piece of record.

Fruit Leather Rolls

Shop your finished fruit leather in an air-tight container, and drib a couple into your kids' lunchboxes each twenty-four hours until they're gone.Want to learn how to make fruit leather without a dehydrator?

Click hither to learn how to make fruit leather in the oven.



  • 2 cups pureed fruit – fresh or canned


Pour your fruit puree onto a fruit leather sheet, and smooth it out with a rubber spatula.

Plow on your dehydrator, and let it run for at least 6 hours. Your fruit leather is done when information technology feels completely dry to the touch.

Let your fruit leather to cool. Then, carefully pull information technology off of the screen; cut it into strips, and enjoy!


Store in an air-tight container to maximize the shelf life.

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How To Make Fruit Roll Ups In Dehydrator,


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